before 2 years | EMIL EGGER AG


Transport and placement of a 280 ton compressor

On behalf of Burckhardt Compression AG, Winterthur, we were allowed to lift a 280 t compressor from the production site in Winterthur with our 500 t lifting system, move it and then load it onto our 18-axle special low-loader. With a total weight of more than 420 t and a total length of almost 60 m, including the two impact vehicles, we then drove along cantonal roads in the direction of Auhafen/Basel.

Most of the modules had dimensions of LxWxH 7.60 x 3.00 x 3.70 m and weighed 10-12 tonnes. In addition, there were 14 modules with LxWxH 7.60 x 3.50 x 3.80 m, which could only be transported at night, as the route led through the San Bernardino, which had to be completely closed for the passage. This logistical masterpiece was completed within 4.5 months. At peak times, 15 low-bed trucks were on the road at the same time.

A big thank you to all involved for the successful completion of this project.

Professional Crane logistics

EMIL EGGER ranks in the top 20 of German-speaking crane service providers

Fast, flexible and professional – that’s our motto. We can be reached 24 hours on the hotline +41 71 282 52 20 and are available in all regions of Switzerland. Thanks to our powerful crane and special transport sector, we are always ready for action. EMIL EGGER is also the only Swiss company to rank among the top 20 German-speaking crane service providers. Our diverse fleet includes mobile cranes, crawler cranes, mobile construction cranes, special cranes, truck cranes and mini cranes.

Crane logistics

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