before 3 years | EMIL EGGER AG

Transport and warehouse logistics

We transport and store all sizes of general cargo

In addition to handling all general cargo formats, whether pallets, packages or long goods, EMIL EGGER AG has a good network that enables efficient transports throughout Switzerland and abroad. We also transport dangerous goods safely and in accordance with regulations.

In addition to transport logistics, we also offer solutions for warehouse logistics. Many of our customers appreciate the tailor-made complete solutions, perfectly adapted to their individual needs, and our direct contact persons. When it comes to logistics, you can rely on us as a full-service provider. This gives you more time for your core competencies!


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EMIL EGGER long goods specialist general cargo logistics professional Switzerland
Transportation of long goods
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EMIL EGGER general cargo logistics from pallets, packaged goods, long goods to hazardous goods
Loader crane logistics
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